Trigger Learner Notifications

This article briefly covers the learner notifications and how to trigger them for your users.

Nick Thayer avatar
Written by Nick Thayer
Updated over a week ago

You can now notify your learners on demand with custom messages to remind them about their current learning! Doing so is simple, here are the steps below.

How to Trigger Learner Notifications

First, you must navigate to a Course, a Playlist or an Event via Admin > Learning

Here you will see the list of Courses, Playlists or Events (we went to Admin > Learning here, so only courses will display). Clicking the three dots on the right-hand side of the course will display this drop-down, you need to select "Message Users".

Selecting this will bring up the above menu, you will be able to set a Subject Line, Recipients, and Custom Message that you want them to see, and there is also an option to send you (whoever the active user sending this is) an email copy as well of the message sent.

You will have three options for Recipients:

  1. All Assigned Users (includes self-enrolled or manager-enrolled users)

  2. All Assigned Users who have completed the course

  3. All Assigned Users who have not completed the course

Once you send the message, it will appear as so in their email:

Selecting an Event will give you further options for Recipients:

  1. All Assigned Users (includes manager-enrolled users)

  2. Users who attended the event

  3. Users who are signed up for the event

  4. Users who cancelled after sign-up

  5. Users who were marked as unattended

  6. Users who are on a waiting list

And that is how you can trigger and send custom Learner Notifications on the eloomi Infinite platform!

If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to eloomi support via our Support Hub

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