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The My Development Page

This article details the My Development page on eloomi Infinite.

Nick Thayer avatar
Written by Nick Thayer
Updated over a week ago

What Is the My Development page?

With the "My Development" page, you can access your learning data all in one place as well as leverage conversations, goals, and journeys to retain talent and achieve success in your organization.

Here is what you can view from this page:

  • Conversations

  • Learning

  • Goals

  • Journeys

  • Certificates

  • Checklists


A conversation represents a single or recurring meeting between a manager and their employee on a specific date and time. Both the manager and employee have access to this page as soon as the conversation is scheduled so that they can prepare the talking points they potentially wish to discuss as well as add both private and shared notes:

  • Talking points: under Agenda, talking points can be added, updated, and checked by either participant; however, only the creator of a talking point can delete it afterward.

  • Talking point suggestions: Clicking the Suggestions button takes the manager or employee to a talking points suggestion window on the same page. This aggregates and displays various categories and talking point suggestions tied with them. Both the manager and employee can easily select and add those talking points to the conversation at any time without any limits.

  • Shared and private notes: During the meeting, both managers and employees can add notes. Each conversation can support a list of shared notes, which are shown to both participants as well as a single private note for each participant, which is only visible to themselves.

  • Action items: Managers and employees also can add action items to their conversations. This allows for collaborative tracking of to-do items as well as communicating the next steps.

For a more in-depth analysis regarding Conversations, please visit this link.


The learning page is similar to the admin reporting view for courses and learning plans. This page contains:

  • Completed courses: The number of completed courses.

    • It is important to keep in mind that when we refer to Completed Courses, this means Completed Courses out of all Courses assigned. This includes Direct and Learning Plan assignments, as well as any courses that are set to Open Enrollment.

  • Required completion %: The percentage of required courses completed.

  • Optional completion %: The percentage of optional courses completed.

  • Time spent: The amount of time spent on learning.

Note: The My Development page will only display courses that are assigned to you, this does not show courses that are not relevant to you/are not assigned to you. If you would like to see reporting data on other courses, please visit either the Manager tab or Reporting tabs (only applies if you have access).

Below that initial breakdown, you will see two graphs:

  • Monthly views: The number of times you have accessed the platform.

  • Courses: This is a donut chart that shows the number of modules completed, in progress, and not started.

Below the graphs, is the Courses section. Here you will find:

  • Title of the course

  • Status of the course

  • Deadline

  • If it's required or not

You are also able to filter by assignment status, progress status, skills, and skills status.

The total number of Courses displayed at the bottom of the Courses Table is the same number that is displayed at the top of the page under Completed Courses. This is just the amount of courses that are assigned to you.

Archived courses are not displayed here unless you choose to filter for them here:

Clicking any of the courses will take you to the start page for that specific course.

At the very bottom of the Courses page, is the Skills breakdown. Here you can see:

  • Skill: This shows the name of the skill that is linked to modules assigned to your employees.

  • Status: Status of the skill (have, want, business title)

  • Courses: The number of courses with this skill.

  • Completion %: This shows the % of completion for this skill.

Bringing it back to the top of the page, you will see the option to switch from courses to learning plans. Clicking Learning Plans will bring up the learning plan breakdown. Here you will see:

  • Completed learning plans: The number of completed learning plans.

  • Required completion %: The percentage of required learning plans completed.

  • Optional completion %: The percentage of optional learning plans completed.

  • Average completion %: The percentage of completed learning plans on average.

Below this, you will see a similar graph setup that is also found in the Courses tab. Here you will see:

  • Total Learning Plans: The total number of learning plans assigned to you in the last 12 months.

  • Learning Plans: A donut chart that shows the number of learning plans completed, in progress, and not started.

Note: My Development > Learning Plans shows all courses in the learning plan (when clicked) assigned to the user even if the user has not started the course. Self-enrolled courses will also show, but only once the user has started them.

You are also able to filter through the learning plans by:

  • Completion

  • Time spent

  • Started

  • Completed

  • Deadline

  • Required

  • Archived or Active

Back to the top again, we can see the "Events" tab. Clicking this will show a breakdown of:

  • Total assigned events

  • Future sessions

  • Completed sessions

  • Needs your enrolment

Scrolling down, you can see the individual events assigned to you. Here you will see the Title of the event, if you are enrolled, and the status of the event.

You may see some differing numbers on the graphs and breakdowns. This is to be expected.

It is important to keep in mind that the My Development page statistics breakdown will not include Archived courses, even if they are completed before the Archival date. They will, however, be included in the Courses section at the bottom of the My Development page, as well as in the Reports > People > Courses area at the bottom as well. In both of the spaces, scrolling over the Archived course will show the below message.

My Development Space

Reports > People > Courses area

Additionally, Archived courses will still be visible in User Reports via the Download button in Reporting > People.

Downloaded Report will also include a column for if the course is Active or Archived.


Goals are a way to track goals that either you as a company, team, or individual can improve in any way possible. In the My Development space, you will see an area that is tailored to your Goals that are assigned to you.

On this page, you will see an area to Search for your Goal, as well as Explore all Goals.

Clicking Explore all goals will bring up this page:

Here you can see all the Goals that are publicly available in the platform/your company. As you can see, people can filter for All, Company, Group, Individual, and Your goals. Additionally, people can download a report detailing the Goals on this page and sort by Contributor, Deadline, Status, and Type. Lastly, they can Filter on the current Goals seen (this is different than the filter options at the top) by Status, Type, Contributor, Deadline, Alignment, and View Settings.

Moving back to the main page, you have similar options. You can download a report, filter, and sort the same way as you can in the above screen with the same options.

Clicking New will bring up the page to create a New objective. You can read more about how to create an Objective, Objective Types, Goal Alignment, and more in this article: Goals and Objectives Overview

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to us via the Support Hub

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