How Do I Use It?
Navigating to Reports > Events will bring you to the Event reporting page.
Here you will see a few different options:
Total Events shows the number of events on the platform
Total Sessions shows the number of sessions on the platform
Upcoming Sessions shows the amount of upcoming sessions in the future
Completed Sessions shows the number of completed sessions in the past month
Total Events (graph) shows events created in a given month
Attendance shows the percentage of users who actually completed their assigned events
Scrolling down a bit, you can see a breakdown of all events on the platform and a small breakdown of them.
The table can be sorted, filtered, searched through, and downloaded as an Excel report. Columns display the number of sessions in the Event, how many users are assigned, and how many users have completed it.
Take note that the time will be displayed in UTC format when exported to Excel. This ensures standardized time representation, maintaining accuracy and consistency for a seamless understanding of the data.
Clicking on one of these will lead to the specific events reporting page:
Here you will find another set of metrics specific to the selected event:
Assigned Users shows the number of users that are assigned to the event
Signed Up shows the percentage of users that have signed up for a session, regardless of whether they have completed it or not, out of the total number of assigned users
This does include cancelled or unattended users
In Progress shows the percentage of users who have signed-up, but not who have not completed, out of the total number of assigned users
This does NOT include canceled and unattended users
Completed shows the percentage of users who have attended the event out of the total number of users assigned to the event
Certification shows if the event has a certification or not.
Scrolling down, you can see the metrics in a table of users which can be searched through and exported as an excel. The table shows all assigned users and their status, which can be To Begin, In Progress, or Completed. The mode of the table can be shifted to show a list of sessions instead of users by clicking the tabs above.
In the User Event Reporting page, you also have the option to switch the Focus mode, you can choose to focus specifically on:
Focus on all learning data regarding Events
Focus on issued certificates via events
This table shows the statistics about every session, when they are being held, how many users are signed up, and how many are marked as attended, unattended, or canceled.
These session rows are clickable and bring you to the session details report:
The session-specific report displays an overview of user participation for any given session. We also display a graph of when the users signed up for the event. A donut chart breaks down the distribution of sign-up status and then a table with users and their status for the given session.
You are also able to view the events assigned to you via the For You space.
Navigating to For You > Learning > Events will show the Events assigned to yourself.
On this page you can see:
Total Assigned Events - The number of events assigned to the user
Future Sessions - How many events are coming up for that user
Completed Sessions - The number of events completed by the user
Needs Your Enrollment - The number of events that need Manager approval for enrollment.
You can also see the Event name, the enrollment status, and the completion status of the event.
You also have the option to download a report for the user which provides details regarding their Events. In the report you will see:
Title of the event
Next Session
Number of Sessions
If the user is enrolled or not
The Status of the event
You can find the download button in the events tab next to the Filter and Search options: