How to Create a Template
The most common element in the Journey is a so-called Template. With the Template, you can add all kinds of content or forms to the journey.
By clicking the Template box you enter the New Template screen, where you can toggle different settings for the Journey step. By clicking "Create" you will go to the Template builder.
In the General section of the Template builder, you can add certain details to be more specific to the Journey/employees' needs. In this window, you can add:
Details: Essentially just a title for the Step/Template.
Deadline: A deadline for when the step needs to be completed.
You can also specify if it needs to be completed by a certain date or in an Interval. Interval can be a certain time from user creation, activation, or assignment date of the Journey.
Notify: You can choose to notify either the employee or a manager, or both, for when the step is required. When selecting to notify a manager you will have the option to specify to notify the Direct Manager or Group manager.
Under Access & Visibility, you can add details such as:
Able to see step exists: You can choose who can see the step. Either the employee, direct manager, group manager, or all, can see this step depending on how it is set up. This is useful for internal communications for managers that employees will not need to see.
Able to open: You can specify who can open and interact with the content inside the Template. This can also be the user, direct manager, group manager, or all three.
Responsible: You can choose who can submit the template, this is also either the user, the direct manager, the group manager, or all three.
Once the Template is added, you can click it in the Journey to expand the Template Builder itself. Here you can add several different media types and interactive steps.
Text & Media:
Section Title
Adds a title to the section within the Template
Allows you to add a text block for your people to review.
Allows you to provide an image to the Template.
File or link
Allows you to add files to download, or a link to follow.
Allows you to add a section to create a Goal within the Journey Template.
Text Question
Allows you to add a question for your people to answer.
Rating Scale
Allows you to add a Rating Scale for people to complete.
Adds an almost Multiple Choice type section for you to ask people questions and they can answer.
Upload File
Adds an area to allow people to upload and provide a file to the Journey.
Reference Earlier Steps: This option enables you to reference earlier steps in the Journey.
These elements not only allow for customized templates to your liking and needs but also will prompt the user to provide feedback however they need.
How to add a link or file to your Template
By selecting the Text option you can add a text to your Template. When highlighting the text, you call up a toolbar with formatting options.
Click the symbol to the far right to add a link or upload a file to your template.
Now, to add a link, you can write the URL of the link and click the checkmark.
To upload a file, click the upload symbol and select the file from your PC. This file will then be uploaded to eloomi and be downloadable for people with a link.
Supported file types are: Office files (.xls, .doc, .ppt), PDF, and CSV
How to add Section titles to a Template
By adding a Section title you can divide your Template into chapters.
A Section title works similar to a header in a Word document, and when using the titles you give people an overview of this particular Template / Journey step.
You can add multiple Section titles to a Template and rearrange the content elements around the individual sections.
Once the Journey is assigned, people will be able to navigate through sections, by clicking the Overview button at the top right.
How to add interactive elements to a Template
You can also reference data that was inserted in earlier steps of the Journey. This can be relevant for things like a yearly Performance Review, where the targets evolve throughout the year. In settings, you can choose whether the reference data is visual or editable for Employee and Manager respectively.