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End-User Experiences

High-level overview of the learner, manager and admin experiences

Ena Rosaroso Jacobsen avatar
Written by Ena Rosaroso Jacobsen
Updated over 11 months ago

Before you begin your setup of eloomi, we recommend that you explore eloomi's seamless Learning Experience Platform at a high-level to understand its capabilities.

The following videos delve into how eloomi transforms learning and development for learners, managers, and admins. Discover intuitive interfaces for learners, streamlined oversight for managers, and robust admin functionalities.

With eloomi, every user's needs are met, driving efficiency and success at every stage of the learning journey. Dive in and experience the difference!

Learner Experience

Manager Experience

Admin & Settings Overview

TIP: You may use these videos as generic end-user guides for your learners and managers once you launch. If you want a copy of these videos, reach out to your Customer Success Manager.

However, we always recommend that you create tailored end-user guides to drive better engagement. In the article below, we provide you with suggestions.

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