Why is it important to set my Timezone?
Events & Webinar notifications will be shown in the user’s local time. As an admin, you can visit user settings to see that event dates are now accurate across all regions! Time zones are essential on eloomi; any event emails will display times based on the user’s selected time zone.
Please note: Events & Webinars is part of the Plus plan.
How do I set a timezone?
As an Admin, navigate to Admin > Organization and edit a person
Once you are in the edit menu, scroll down and see the box for Timezone
Here you can click the box and choose the appropriate timezone from the list. Once you find the correct timezone, click Confirm changes in the top right to save the changes. Once this is done, the time on Events & Webinars will now reflect the proper time to users in emails.
Bulk Update Timezones
You can also bulk update timezones using this article: https://help.eloomi.io/en/articles/8413167-how-to-bulk-import-people-via-excel
Please keep in mind that you must make sure to follow the IANA format (AREA}/ {LOCATION) This can be found here: https://utctime.info/timezone/
In case of any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to the eloomi Support Team via the Support Hub.