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How to Use Groups on eloomi Infinite
How to Use Groups on eloomi Infinite

This article covers the Groups feature on eloomi Infinite and how to use it.

Nick Thayer avatar
Written by Nick Thayer
Updated over a week ago

What are Groups?

As the name suggests, the Groups functionality is used to create a group for specific users. Using this feature, you are able to group together any number of users on the platform and apply special rules to them.

Additionally, with groups, you are able to assign them courses in bulk as well as carry out the assignments based on rules that you have set up.

Let's get started!


  1. On your platform, navigate to: Admin > Organization > Groups. From here you will see any groups that you have created as well as the option to create a new group.

  2. From here, if you click New, you will be presented with these options:

    1. You have the option to give the group a name, a short name, a description, reporting rights and, finally, a color.

    2. Below that you will see the option to allow you to add users (members) to the group and to add rules to it:

    3. With Rules, you are able to assign a rule that will then pull users based on the values you enter. For example: You are able to create a rule to add any user who is an admin on the platform to the group:

  3. Once you add the rule, you can click confirm and it will pull the users that you specified.

And that is how to use the Groups feature on eloomi Infinite!

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