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How to Bulk Import People via Excel

This article shows you how to import a new user or multiple people through the user import using Excel.

Alexander Kure avatar
Written by Alexander Kure
Updated over 2 weeks ago

When it comes to importing or updating people in Bulk, we recommend using the Bulk User import function. This allows you to both Create New People but also Update Existing People. Please see the step-by-step guide on how to Bulk Import People and also see the Troubleshooting guide.

How to Import People

On your platform navigate to Admin > Organization > click Import

In the pop-up screen click 'here' to prompt a download of the template and open the template.

Template overview

Before you start populating the template, please make sure to read the guide presented in the template. It is also important that you do not change the predefined template by deleting any columns or rows (including row 1: User_Import_template) as this can cause the import to not function properly.

In the template, there are 7 predefined fields in which AccountID, First name, Last Name, and User Role are mandatory to fill out. These are also marked with an asterisk*

  • AccountID*: This can either be an email or a unique number that identifies the user (e.g. employeeID) - Must be at least 3 characters (maximum 250).

  • First name*: First name of the user.

  • Last name*: Last name of the user.

  • User role*: Here you can insert either User or Admin or add a custom-created role:
    - To apply a custom role, locate the key found on the custom-role under Admin > Roles > select the role.

    - In the import sheet, enter the information found under the key on the platform

  • Active (True/False): If set to True, the user will be activated.

  • Send email invite (True/False): If set to True an activation email will be sent when imported.

  • Temporary password: Predefine a password. Must be min. 8 characters w. min. One uppercase, one lowercase letter, and one number.

  • Email address: Email of the people. This email will be the primary one used for notifications etc.

  • Job title: The user's job title.

  • Manager Account ID: This will allow you to set a direct manager for a user with the manager's ID.

  • Timezone: This will set the person's timezone - you must follow the IANA format (AREA}/ {LOCATION) . This can be found here:

  • Language: This will set the users platform language. You can see the language format here: Supported Languages

How to add Custom Fields

If you need more information registered to your people, it is possible to add custom fields to the sheet and have these fields populated via the import

Read more on Custom Fields here

To add custom fields to the sheet, simply add a new column in Excel. You can add as many as you have created on your platform.

Please make sure that the name of the Custom Fields is written exactly in the sheet as you have it written on the platform.

Once you are happy and have populated all the fields to your liking, you are now ready to perform the import.

How to run the Import

On your platform navigate to Admin > Organization > click Import > Now drag or select the file you just created.

A confirmation screen will now appear. Click Confirm and you have now successfully imported people👏

Troubleshooting User Imports

Sometimes the import might not work on the first go. Here are a few tips on how to resolve these.

#Scenario 1: File Contains Duplicated Entry

Reason: One of the people you are importing already exists on your platform.

Solution: Either delete the user from the import sheet or click on 'Skip Entires' to proceed with the import.

#Scenario 2: Unexpected field name

Reason: This error shows if you have not entered the name of the custom field in the sheet correctly.

Solution: Please make sure to check that the name of the custom field is exactly the same as it is registered on your platform.

Also, make sure to check that there aren't any empty spaces after the column name in the sheet as this can also cause a field not to be recognized.

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